Sunday, July 31, 2011

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 28, 11:49 AM
    He wouldn't have to: he wears his dogma on his sleeve.

    Is that your dogma, or are you just happy to see me?

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  • lue waffles diseases images.

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 12:31 PM
    Wow. A bit shortsighted aren't we? (And the Apple pom-pom squad is out in force today).

    Don't you see that all the iOS success does is point out to the Board that OSX isn't where it's at and more resources will keep going to iPads and iPhones?

    If you're a mac user is this really what you want?

    They didn't delete the word "computer" from the Apple name for nothing.

    Why you would be surprised at seeing Apple supporters on a site that is designed for Apple supporters is something for you to discuss with your logic professor. But as for your iOS/Mac argument, I sincerely doubt we will see OS X around ten years from now. I hope we don't. I want Apple to keep innovating, and that means advancement and change over time. So what I hope happens is that the parts of iOS that make sense for OS X get included, and the parts of OS X that make sense for iOS get included, and eventually we'll be talking about something brand new that makes them both look old.

    As a Mac user, that's what I really want. I'd hate to see stagnation.

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  • lue waffles diseases images.

  • Apple OC
    Apr 22, 10:33 PM
    It's the Eye of Providence! The all seeing eye of God. It also has some sort of connection to the Freemasons (I'm not sure how true that is!).

    Thanks for that ... I also find the "Federal Reserve" a little mysterious

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 11:46 PM
    Nearly forty years ago psychologists declared homosexuality was not a mental illness

    I don't know whether homosexuality is a mental illness. But I do know that doctors and other professionals sometimes make mistakes.

    About 25 years ago, an acquaintance of mine told my mother that for about 15 years, a doctor treated her, my acquaintance, with the wrong medicine because her illness had been misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, after another doctor discovered the misdiagnosis, he also discovered that the medicine was worsening her symptoms.

    When I was about 17, my optometrist realized that, if I kept wearing the glasses an opthamologist prescribed for me, they would blind me. The optometrist prescribed the lenses I needed and corrected the vision problem for which I visited him. Thanks to the optometrist, I can drive.

    It is no longer understood to be the case that homosexuality entails a necessary harm to the participants or anyone else.
    Dr. Joseph Nicolosi disagrees. So does another psychologist who gave a lecture series called "Homosexuality 101." If the lecture series interests anyone here, I'll post links to its Youtube videos, or I'll try to explain the lecturer's theory. But I prefer to let the lecturer speak for herself because I'm not an expert in psychology.

    Quite the contrary, same-sex couples are known to form loving, supportive, monogamous relationships every bit as profound as those enjoyed between men and women.
    Although that's true, it doesn't show that homosexuality is a healthy quality to have.

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  • lue waffles diseases images.

  • G4er?
    Apr 28, 08:56 AM
    Apple might have held onto 3rd place if it had a mid range desktop computer positioned between the mini and the Pro.
    I know I would have bought a new Mac instead of not buying anything.

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  • lue waffles diseases images.

  • CallmeKenneth
    Sep 20, 07:20 AM
    This is just one of those things where we have no idea if it'll catch on until people start buying it (or not, as the case may be!). With anything else Apple have brought out (e.g. iPod) the need has been fairly obvious and you could tell that it was going to be a minor hit at least. I don't feel the same way about iTV. To me it just feels like *yet another* silver/grey box to stick under my TV, adding one more cable to the countless ones already there...

    Alternative Mac History
    Mactimewarp (

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  • BoyBach
    Aug 29, 02:18 PM
    - They've indirectly caused the deaths of thousands of starving Africans by preventing the development of genetically-engineered foods.

    Do be frank you're talking crap! :mad:

    There is more than enough food being produced and, more importantly, wasted to ensure that nobody goes to bed with an empty stomach. The reason millions, not thousands, of Africans have died, and continue to do so, are varied and complex.

    But to simplify, as you have, surely the blame lies with corrupt African governments that line their own pockets with Western aid whilst their population die of disease and hunger? To 'save' Africa, the leadership needs to be strong, and it's main aim must be the well-being and protection of it's citizens.

    GM foods will not save Africa and Greenpeace is not in any way responsible for the death of Africans from starvation for opposing GM research.

    blue waffles diseases images. Blue Waffle by having sex
  • Blue Waffle by having sex

  • acslater017
    Apr 15, 10:54 AM
    encourage[/I] people to be gay/lesbian/whatever. At the end of the day that's basically the underlying message in all these videos: "Go ahead, by gay. It's perfectly fine
    ...It's a very private journey and I'm not so sure that the media should be offering this type of "GO FOR IT!" message. One should come to accept who he/she is and embrace the inevitable consequences of the lifestyle.

    I don't think anyone's saying "go for it!". The basic ideas I got from the video were:
    -you're not alone if you're suffering
    -life gets better, so stick around
    -find help

    I didn't really pick up on anyone saying, "You should be homosexual" or anything like that...

    blue waffles diseases images. lue waffles disease. lue
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  • slffl
    Sep 12, 06:29 PM
    Isn't it was everyone was expecting? Looks like an Airport Express in a different form factor to accomodate all of the different ports. Basically gives you the ability to stream your videos from your computer.

    blue waffles diseases images. lue waffles diseases images.
  • lue waffles diseases images.

  • IgnatiusTheKing
    Aug 25, 05:11 AM
    It's funny how the only place that people are unhappy with AT&T service and the iPhone is in surveys and on these forums.

    While I won't pretend I read that entire, giant block of unformatted text, I will say that this is hardly the only place people complain about AT&T service. Though there are undoubtedly people that get great service and rarely drop calls on the carrier, AT&T service is almost universally disliked and has become the butt of many jokes, both on and off the Internet.

    Agree about the iPhone, though I suspect most of the complaining here is due to the fact that people rarely sign up for a message board account (you being a notable exception, of course) just to say that everything is fine.

    blue waffles diseases images. lue waffles disease. lue
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  • 081440
    Jul 12, 02:13 AM
    Oh really.
    Ok, tell me what's out there that can substitute on a professional level Photoshop, After Effects and Illustrator.

    I am sure you don't work on the business, so you have no clue.

    So were just assuming that all "pro" users depend on adobe....

    What about video editors and sound people, I think they will jump right on, I know I will.

    blue waffles diseases images. lue waffles disease in men.
  • lue waffles disease in men.

  • MacCoaster
    Oct 10, 12:24 PM
    Originally posted by benixau
    If you have any heart for 25 million of your wiser men, please make apple use the power4 chip at lightning speeds, and please lord, do it soon. It is becoming hard for us mac men to defend ourselves.
    Simply won't happen unless you're happy to shell out a half million dollars for a POWER4 supplied Power Mac.

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  • lue waffles disease in men.

  • Nermal
    Mar 18, 04:51 PM
    Second, it's a violation of DCMA.

    Why? He's not breaking copy protection, because the protection wasn't there in the first place.

    I can't believe that people think this is a bad thing. Don't you like freedom? :eek:

    blue waffles diseases images. lue waffles disease in women.
  • lue waffles disease in women.

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 12, 05:29 PM

    your thinking is exactly why most pc's suck, dell ect choose components that are "good enough" or choose some unsuitable cpu because it sounds fast, woodcest makes the most sense to go into the mac pro, conroe into the imac merom into the mbp simple as.

    just because something is not for you does not mean how you want it is how it should be, your a kid who likes playing with pc hardware and likes components with "big numbers" and overclockability, and while a quad would be wasted on you it'd be great for people who actually buy mac pro's/powermacs.

    you give pc users a bad name it's not the other way around.

    Oh and Apple dosen't go to Samsung and Micron for it's ram like everyone else , or Pioneer/Toshiba/Matsushita for the DVD Burner , how bout Maxtor/Seagate for the Hard drives , Apple dosen't go to Samsung/LGPhillips for it's LCD Panels just like Dell and HP. now Intel for it's CPU/NorthBridge chipsets. c'mon it called a con they all shop at the same store dude.

    the only thing Apple about ur mac will be the Pretty case and OSX. Other then that it's just another PEECEE.

    blue waffles diseases images. lue waffles disease in women.
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  • eric_n_dfw
    Mar 20, 07:19 PM
    But what if I got hold of that wedding video and decided to, I dunno, turn it into a music video for my own music... and that music video got onto MTV? No one is losing out on any money. No one is being hurt. I'm not stealing. I'm -merely- infringing copyright.
    The videographer is being hurt, you and/or MTV have stolen the royalties they are due. (Asuming you are saying that it is someone else's video, not one that you shot and/or editted together.)

    If it was produced by a videographer, they were probably smart enough to mark it with a copyright (you don't have to file anything to do so) and then they can sue you for that infringement because you are profitting off of his/her work. (Or, more likely, they'd sue Viacom for broadcast of their video without permission since they have the deeper pockets. But Viacom probably is imune because you signed a paper saying you owned said production - THEN they'd sue you.)

    The theft in this is the result of the infringement. By admitting it's infringement, you are admitting that it's illegal. The only reason to copyright something is to protect your interests from those who would, well, infringe on them. :rolleyes:

    blue waffles diseases images. lue waffles disease in women.
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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 05:00 PM
    I guess all this honour killing pretty much explains the original theory how freedom of women has been affected

    thanks again edifyingG for presenting some very valid points

    don't thank me, thank ct2k7 for saying just why islam is a threat to democracy.

    Basically, follow the local law until the point where is will cause you to sin AND be in direct violation of the Sharia Law framework.

    So, follow the local law unless a sane muslim man commits apostasy (then sentence him to death as under sharia law).

    follow local law unless someone insults the name of muhammad or who is critical of islam.

    so right there, we've gotten rid of freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.

    Again, correlation does not mean causation. You should try to understand that. It's a very basic principle in analysis. You've only looked at one thing they have in common. Have you not noticed that the countries there are somewhat within a closer proximity region?

    What you have said, in the latter, is entirely subjective, and your view is not shared by the 1.5 billion (?) follows of the religion.

    Did you know that Tony Blair's sister in law, Lauren Booth converted to Islam not so long ago? She thought Islam oppressed women and that's why she converted to it... :rolleyes: Along with Yvonne Ridley... :eek:

    I do understand that. However, Morocco is thousands of miles away from Pakistan yet both condone honour killing, do you understand the significance of that?

    My view may not be shared by ~1.5 billion muslims but it is shared by the many millions of muslims (ten million in africa by some estimates) who leave islam despite the death penalty levelled against them for apostasy.

    Lauren Booth isn't a very good advocate to endorse anything, except perhaps anti-psychotic medication.

    Lots of intellectuals supported the Nazi party yet many would be hard pressed to not call the Nazi party evil. the Qur'an and Mein Kampf are very similar. Both are chauvinistic, misogynistic and supremacist. Who wouldn't want to join a group that told you you can do whatever you want to your wife/children and that you're "the best of people" and going to heaven for emulating a degenerate warlord from the 7th century, and that all other people who disagree with you are wrong wrong wrong?

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 24, 10:04 AM
    Well�we can argue whether Canadians support a real military but we don�t have to go there. :p

    All I�m saying is that any respectable military has to prepare for sending a large group of soldiers into known suicide missions. This is what �cannon fodder� is. Sometimes you can�t hide it from the warrior. Sometimes they WILL KNOW that they will die. But this is absolutely necessary to purposely sacrifice their lives in order to achieve a strategic goal�or even victory. It�s much easier if these warriors are imprinted with the idea of �god and heaven�.

    Now, in these stupid overwhelmingly �crushing an inferior force� type of wars we�ve been engaged in, perhaps these situations don�t come up as much. Or if they do, you can hand pick a couple of �zealots� to do the job. But if there was a �real war�, like for example, if oil gets scarce and Europe turns on each other� Don�t laugh. If the �middle east� turn on each other all the time for oil, it can happen to �the west� too. You would be real arrogant to think that you are so much �better� than them. And if you ARE that arrogant about being a �sophisticated Westerner� think about China�or Russia.

    Hey, maybe our fighting force will be so robotic one day that it doesn�t matter. War will become an ego contest between engineers and no blood will be shed. But until the technology becomes reality, we still need cannon fodder capability for potential tight situations. ;)

    I did address the cannon fodder issue in another thread. The military uses psycological tools like ceremony and symbolism to "honor and glorify" it's dead as motivational tools. Religion may have been used in the past but in a military system composed of so many disparate religions, it would be difficult to use religious motivation these days in any meaningful ways. Perhaps since the US military is made up primarily of black (Baptist) and Hispanic (Catholic) soldiers, it's easier to use religious motivation on them. As I said, from my personal experience, religion is not a motivational force in a modern army.

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  • Max on Macs
    Jul 12, 03:08 AM
    I personally believe that in an effort to cut noise and heat on these higher priced machines, two problems that have always plagued them, the Pentium 66 and 75 will be in use in these systems.

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  • lue waffles disease pictures.

  • tkatz
    Apr 9, 06:38 AM
    LOL because swinging a wand or jumping around in front of a webcam is so hardcore.:rolleyes:

    I was thinking the same thing. "In my day" a hardcore gamer was someone that custom built a gaming rig consisting of no less then 2 graphics cards (add a third and get SLI + PhysX), each costing at least if not more then a single PS3, the most expensive 'extreme' cpu they could find, and a small nuclear power plant for a PSU, then boasting about their 3D Mark scores.

    I used to do this. Damn what a waste of time and money.

    (ok, so I shoved a second 5870HD [XFX] into my 2010 Mac Pro for when I do play games... though it was more to see how well it worked in crossfire mode then anything else. Crysis 2 actually plays fine [and looks great] on max settings w/ the single card)

    Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 21, 12:49 PM
    So if you, and everyone else will have a bit of patience, Apple will work their way out to you.
    What are you a comedian? Give me a break. I expected this sort of reaction. It's very easy to say that when you're not the one being effected by this.

    Mar 25, 10:39 AM
    I did not miss the fact that you tried to expand the discussion point. ;)

    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point of the thread to included all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream', I would bet my life that ones attempting to 'stretch' the original point of this thread would jump down his or her throat in a second.

    You misspeak and mischaracterize. A conservative member of this board has already narrowed the discussion from "hate" to "specific acts of violence linked diretly to the catholic church". A distinction that gives a massive amount of "stretch" and eliminates things like a Roman Catholic pastor in Texas comparing homosexuals to rapists or Mexican catholic priests fomenting hate in the wake of a same-sex marriage bill. And yet we are working within his narrowed definition.

    Sep 21, 10:40 AM
    I think the opposite. iTV is just another "pod" using a single computer as a separate node. The Apple paradigm here would be to release iTV and then to have a separate cable-in device (EyeTV essentially) at your computer that would serve as the DVR to load and control shows on your central computer, which could then be wirelessly distributed to iTVs throughout the house. Just buy one giant hard drive rather than having a bunch all over the place.

    Apple has repeatedly said that they don't think people want a computer in their living room (to surf the net, etc). There does have to be a computer someplace, however, in this case acting as an entertainment server for iTV, iPods, etc.

    This explanation makes so much sense to me. I was thinking about this today. I am not a A/V person at all. I can barely hook up my DVD player to my TV. But I am pretty good with my iMac, getting content on it and off it to my iPod. THe model that makes sense to me is I get the content from my computer and watch it on my TV. (note: I don't have cable so I don't worry aobut getting content from my TV to my computer. But the elgato system seems pretty easy to use.) I wonder if I would be able to use the elgato Hybrid TV to hook my xbox up to my computer but still play it on my TV though the iTV system? The reason I ask is it would cut down on clutter in the living room.

    Apr 28, 08:35 AM
    Almost all of that is due to the iPad. They had around 4% of the global market for computers last year.

    Apple sold 820K+ more Macs in Q2 2011 over Q2 2010. You want to dismiss the halo effect that's your business.

    Apple sold 3.76 million Macs during the quarter Q2 2011. []
    Apple sold 2.94 million Macintosh� computers during the quarter Q2 2010. []

    Come Q2 2012 we'll see that increase more than double year of year putting the Macs sold nearing 5.5+ million for Q2 2012. Of course, it will look small next to the 15 million iPads, but only a fool would think 5.5+ million in a quarter of Macs is small.

    Face it. The trend lines of the top 3 is down, not up.

    Sep 20, 11:23 AM
    I was going to ask why not a PRV, but realized it myself. While apple does not prevent you from loading music you have aquired through other means onto your iPod, they don't help you either. They don't help you buy CD's because its too broad an experience to simplfy. Same with the PVR. How a customer aquires content from a provider varies too much for apple to engineer an simple solution. But they can provide their own simple content delivery solution.

    Next, they need to provide an NAS for all your media either from the store, ripped from disc or created yourself. Move the media off the computer.

    ?? TiVo will provide you a PVR that burns DVDs, has a tuner and hard drive, and wirelessly connects to your macintosh and plays your photo library and itunes for $300 plus you have to buy a usb network reciever for like $25.

    So it's basically the same thing except for the videos which of course didn't exist when tivo adopted the technology, and since they'll play your photos they'll probalby adopt the videos too. I think I'll just hold out for my TiVo to do the same thing PLUS be a PVR and DVD burner.

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